Rain in Silicon Cali

I’m enjoying the sound of some much needed rain here in Silicon Cali. It’s been a very dry winter here. Most of the rain and snow has been stuck up north all winter long. Just in case you aren’t lucky enough to be here enjoying the rain in Silicon Cali, you can always see the current weather conditions in the valley with the weather widget on the right side of the page just below the tag cloud.


Or if you are running Windows 7, you can use the Windows 7 Weather Widget or ‘Gadget’ as Microsoft calls them:


To get the Windows 7 weather gadget, just right click on your screen background and choose the weather gadget. You’ll have to use the settings to set it up for the area of your choice. The two different weather widgets obviously don’t get their data from the same source, but they both offer a quick graphical update of weather conditions that is mostly accurate.