Santa Clara Area Overnight Fire Causes Comcast Internet and Cable TV Outage

A fire at around 1 am on the morning of August 11, 2012 caused Comcast Internet and Cable TV to go out in parts of the Santa Clara area. As of 1 pm, repairs to the damaged cables appear to be complete and Comcast Internet and Television service seem to be back up. The outage also seemed reduce area cell network coverage on the Verizon network, dropping out local 4G coverage.  Several users also reported weak standard cell phone signal strength and dropped, choppy phone calls during the outage.

If you still have problems reset your modem and call Comcast at 1-877-Comcast if you need more support.


Aside from outages like this caused by destructive events, the Silicon Valley area seems to experience multiple outages for no apparent reason. Why does the most high tech area in the world have some of the worst internet service? How reliable is you internet service?

Is it more reliable than a 3rd world Internet Cafe?
