NorCal Tough Mudder Weekend in Tahoe

The Nor-Cal Tough Mudder course at Northstar Lake Tahoe:





For all those that completed the Tough Mudder course this weekend, congratulations! You have earned the right to wear your bright orange headband, the Tough Mudder finisher “medal”. Just like in the ancient Olympics of Greece, there is no actual metal finisher medal for this obstacle course run. Your badges of honor are your hard earned scrapes and bruises and the pride of knowing that you helped your fellow mudders over the obstacles as they helped you over the course. And in place of the olive branch of ancient times you get a bright orange Tough Mudder Under Armour headband as your prize.

The Tough Mudder finisher headband and Under Armour t-shirt.

Under Armour is a big sponsor for Tough Mudder. Their Tough Mudder related goodies can be found on their site here.

While you don’t have to donate your shoes after you tough it out through the muddy course of Tough Mudder, many take the opportunity to offload their mud soaked footwear before heading home.

You can donate your Tough Mudder mud soaked shoes at the end of the course. They are washed and donated to charity.


Probably The Most Interesting Man in the World

You can find your official Tough Mudder photos here: 

If you were lucky enough to get any shots from the official photographers, they only found  me for 2 pictures on the course.