The Italian cruise ship that ran aground and capsized in 2012 has been half submerged off the coast of the island of Giglio so long that it is visible on Google Maps. Just enter these coordinates: 42°21′55″N 10°55′17″E and use Satellite view:

Image credit: Google
After a 19 hour industrial scale maritime operation, the Costa Concordia is now upright as of Tuesday morning September 17th Italian time. The ship is twice the weight of the Titanic. Link to Google Maps satellite view of the Costa Concordia here. Time lapse video of the Costa Concordia salvage operation: The Discovery Channel is airing a special, INSIDE RAISING CONCORDIA, premiering Friday, September 20 documenting the massive engineering effort required to raise the stricken ship.
The Costa Concordia is also visible in this detailed satellite image from Digital Globe.