Happy Friday Silicon Valley!
Hope you had a good week wrangling data, selling advertising or making the world a better place through minimal message-oriented transport layers. Whatever you’ve been working on, try to take a break this weekend. It’s summer. Remember summer vacation? Those faded memories of being outside in the sun and riding your bike to wherever you felt like. No smart phone. No 24/7 connectivity. No DVR to catch up on. No facebook, twitter, snapchat or instagram updates. Just the endless possibilities of an unplanned day.
Here are a few things you could do this weekend if you weren’t wired into your Macbook Air constructing elegant hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility.
Cool off with some garlic ice cream at the 37th annual Gilroy Garlic Festival,
Watch people much fitter than you run the San Francisco Marathon
Try some lamb dishes at the San Francisco American Lamb Jam.
Or just relax and enjoy your moment of beer zen:
Have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful Bay Area weather. You’re paying for it whether you use it or not.