RIP KFOG 1982 – 2016 (at least the rock years of KFOG)

The Bay Area’s World Famous KFOG is gone. Is it just a sad April Fool’s prank? It doesn’t seem so. On March 31st all of the on air staff were sacked and the original broadcast format was replaced with just music interspersed with a cryptic, overproduced sound byte stating that “the evolution is coming 4/20”. What the hell does that mean? Are they gonna play Peter Tosh’s Legalize It 24/7 on 4/20?
Gone is the 10 at 10 time roulette. You never knew what year the music would bring you back to along with clips from the news and films of the year.
Gone is the not pop, not modern rock, not classic rock format and all of the interesting personalities that made listing to the original KFOG such a mind expanding pleasure.
But as Bruce Springsteen said way back in 1982, everything dies…
“Everything dies baby that’s a fact / But maybe everything that dies someday comes back / Put your makeup on fix your hair up pretty and meet me tonight in Atlantic City” (because the Bay Area rent is too damn high to meet here)
The Evolution will not be televised and it probably won’t be listened too either.
But you can still listen to a somewhat similar non-commercial station out of Pennsylvania online:
It appears that Cumulot kept Irish Greg, No Name and a few of the other recent KFOG additions, probably because their labor cost was cheaper than some of the veterans that brought so much music knowledge and history to the KFOG broadcast team. But Cumalot is not interested in the music or any knowledge thereof. They are only interested in profiting from overpaying for the station in the first place with severely leveraged money.