Don’t miss your last chance to see a NASA Spaceshuttle flyover! On Friday morning, September 21st, the modified 747 carrying the Space Shuttle Endeavour will make several low altitude passes over the Bay Area and Silicon Valley before heading south to LA.

(image credit: NASA)
The shuttle, a veteran of 25 missions to space, will be flown on top of the custom Boeing 747 aircraft to its final location at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, California.

(image credit: NASA)
NASA hopes people share their sightings with the hashtags #spottheshuttle and #OV105 on social media sites.
From NASA’s press release:
“On the morning of Sept. 20 21, the SCA and Endeavour will take off from Dryden and perform a low-level flyover of northern California, passing near NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., and various landmarks in multiple cities, including San Francisco and Sacramento. The aircraft also will conduct a flyover of many Los Angeles sites before landing about 11 a.m. PDT at LAX. ”
The Space Shuttle Endeavour Boeing 747 combo is planned to fly over Moffett Field at only 1,500 altitude so ear plugs are recommended.
NASA media advisory on the Shuttle Ferry Flight here.
Link to the event at EventbriteShuttle Flyover NASA Ames Research Center
And here she is!
And Hangar One before and after photos: