The developer of the runaway hit ‘Flappy Bird’ made good on his promise to take down the simple, yet frustrating game from iOS and Google Play online stores. He was reportedly making 50 thousand dollars a day from in-game advertising revenue and tweeted “I cannot take this anymore,” preferring his previously simple life.
If you had already downloaded the game, it will still work on your mobile device. Though if you are still seeing ads at the top of your screen, someone is still making money.
Panoramic view of sunset from the Mauna Kea Astronomical Observatory using the Samsung Nexus panoramic image capture function of the built in camera. With high winds and well below freezing wind chill biting at my fingers, I wasn’t as smooth as I would like panning the phone across the horizon. The phone still managed to capture a decent panoramic photo of an amazing sunset from over 13,000 feet with some of the worlds most advanced ground based telescopes in the foreground.
This post was written entirely on the Barnes and Noble Nook Color Android powered reader tablet. While the tiny touch keyboard may not be conducive to writing long posts, it is helpful to be able to check in on your WordPress site using just an Android device. With the WordPress for Nook app, you can create and edit posts, add photos or videos and check the stats of your WP site. To check the stats of your self-hosted site, you’ll have to be connected to WP Jetpack and use your main WP login on the WP App. The WordPress for Nook App is free and available in the Nook App store. Thanks to the WP development team for adding the Nook Color to the list of devices supporting the WordPress App!
An OTA update to the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS is starting to be pushed to Verizon Samsung Nexus smart phones. Previously my Samsung Nexus was running Android version 4.0.2. Guess I skipped Android 4.0.3.
Smart phone designers know that new power hungry phones are killing batteries much faster than the older models. They are beginning to address the problem with new phones like the Droid Razr Maxx and adding extended batteries. Dual-core smart phones are much more powerful than the laptops of just a few years ago but have tiny batteries compared to those of laptops. Otherwise your speedy new 4G phone would look like something like this:
Soon battery technology will catch up with the fast phones of today. Then something faster will come out and we’ll have to use fuel cells to power them. Or Mr. Fusion.
Google has hidden a few easter eggs in the beta release of the chrome for Android browser. Try opening 99 tabs and then open up one more to see what happens. Yes it may take a few minutes to open all those tabs, but hey we’re on a mission of discovery here!
Open one more tab in chrome to reach 100 tabs and the 100-tab Easter egg is revealed. Click below for a screenshot of the 100-tab Easter egg and the second chrome for Android surprise.
The new Samsung Galaxy Nexus Google Phone has the capability to capture screen shots by simply holding the down volume button and power button simultaneously for about 2 seconds. The Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS will save the image as a .png file in your phone’s gallery under screenshots for easy on the go blogging, emailing, posting or just capturing the digital moment on your screen. Happy screen capturing!